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admin heeft geschreven op september 17, 2019 om 7:42 am
Had a great time!
Juli 2019
We coordinated our travels with two families of adults and kids (8 people) from three continents (NA, Europe and Asia) for 2 weeks in one extended Land Cruiser. All with high expectations. Dawson, our guide/driver, was amazing. He was extremely knowledgeable, knew where to find the elusive game, was a safe great driver, and he coordinated every next stop while touring us. He handled our routy bunch in a friendly, easy going way. He also picked a very good cook, Clemens! They all were perfectly open to feedback and it was important to Dawson that we all saw what we wanted to see (which we did, pics to come), had a great time and we were completely satisfied!
Dave Layman and family.
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